Charm Her with a Champagne Diamond Engagement Ring

They say love knows no bounds; that it can defy all odds. That’s true. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of your money. You have to be frugal with it and spend within your means. It therefore makes sense to go for an engagement ring that will not leave your pockets frozen. Of course you will want to stun your better half with a ring that will blow her mind away. Every man wants that. After all, she is yours.

You played your cards well, may be through hook and crook all in the name of wooing her. So the thought of spoiling her at any given time is often not an afterthought. It just happens by default. On that line and more so on the engagement issue, try not to succumb to overspending and impulse buying. Consider champagne diamond engagement rings.

colored champagne diamond engagement rings

Why Champagne?

Focus on the diamond aspect first. The color, cut, clarity and carat will come later. Diamonds have something inexplicable with woman. The two are intertwined, like the ying and the yang. They complement each other. Presenting your girl with a diamond ring will therefore see into it that she not only remains committed and loyal but also indebted to you for as long as she lives; now to the champagne part or if you like, the color part.

Truth is, champagne diamond engagement rings lie at the low end of the value scale compared to other fancy diamond rings like the black diamond ring. This should work to your advantage as it means you will spend less on the ring. But don’t count into the whole ‘cheap’ thing yet. Experts are on record saying that champagne rings will follow a similar lucrative trajectory like pink and yellow diamonds as soon as the largest producer of champagne diamonds, the Argyle Mine closes in 2018. This means that soon, very soon, champagne diamond engagement rings will be very expensive. Buy yours while you still have the time, or if you are in it for the money, invest in champagne diamond engagement rings.

royal squared black diamond ring

Customize Her Ring

Men can be okay with someone else sporting the same attire like them. Women cant. It is just off putting to them. That said, go for that champagne diamond engagement ring, but make it unique. You can have it customized in different ways so as to make it not only appealing but perpetually unique. You can go about this by having her name inscribed on the ring. This too is common, so think outside the box and blend the initials of your names, then have the letters inscribed on the champagne diamond engagement ring. Victorians were the first to perfect this art as their diamond engagement rings were often inscribed with the word ‘dearest’ speaking of Victorians, why not go…

sparkling pink champagne diamond engagement rings


Think about it, only a handful of antique pink champagne diamond engagement rings exist today. The ones available are expensive. This means that investing in such a ring will let your lady know just how much she means to you. Other hues such as antique peach diamond engagement rings are not as rare but can still sweep your fair lady off her feet. Bottom line is, antique champagne diamond engagement rings will always stay relevant and stand out as unique. Charm your woman with one.

squared peach champagne diamond engagement rings


Champagne diamond engagement rings may be affordable than other diamond rings, but they are still unique. All that matters is buying the champagne diamond engagement ring and spicing it up with something that will flatter your lady. Ask your jeweler for the perfect cut and creative methods that you can have the ring customized. That way, you will end up with an affordable ring that will always leave your woman grateful that she has you for a man.