WordPress database error: [Table './andrewey_diamondringsplus/wp_tracking' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]create table if not exists wp_tracking (
created timestamp,
url varchar(255),
theme varchar(255),
clicked enum('no', 'yes'),
index (theme),
index (url)
WordPress database error: [Table './andrewey_diamondringsplus/wp_tracking' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]show columns from wp_tracking where field = 'clicked'
WordPress database error: [Table './andrewey_diamondringsplus/wp_tracking' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]alter table wp_tracking
add clicked enum('no', 'yes')
WordPress database error: [Table './andrewey_diamondringsplus/wp_tracking' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]insert into wp_tracking (url, theme, clicked)
values ('http://diamondringsplus.com//contact-us', 'tower_right', 'no')